New Instruments for the Management of Cochlear Implantation in an Individual with a Fracture of the Temporal Bone and Cochlear Ossification
Individuals who have suffered a temporal bone fracture, especially transversal fractures, can exhibit deep neuro sensorial hypoacusis. Tis can be due to several causes, including trauma to the otic capsule with damage to the organ of Corti and stria vascularis, damage to the neuroepithelium with a loss of ciliated cells and the spiral ganglion, and […]
Negative Outcome of Temporalis Fascia Graft in Tympanoplasty with Excessive Bleeding: A Retrospective Study
Non-autologous graft materials hold promise for tympanic membrane (TM) perforation closure. In the present manuscript, we aimed to evaluate the influence of clinical and surgical (i.e., graft materials) characteristics on tympanoplasty outcome in chronic otitis media (COM).
Hearing Status and Ventilation Tube at Time of Palatoplasty in Cleft Lip and Palate Patients: A Retrospective Study
There is no consensus regarding the indications for and timing of ventilation tube (VT) insertion in cleft lip and palate (CLP) patients. Our aim was to search for clinical and surgical (i.e., VT insertion) characteristics that influence the hearing status in CLP.
Case Report Otolarynogology
New Instruments for the Management of Cochlear Implantation in an Individual with a Fracture of the Temporal Bone and Cochlear Ossification
Ossicular chain reconstruction using costal cartilage in malleoincudal osteoma
Osteomas of the temporal bone are benign tumours that usually involve the external auditory canal. Middle-ear osteomas are rare, and generally solitary and small. The male-to-female ratio is 2:1, with 70 per cent of affected patients aged under 40 years.
Survey italiana sulla vertigine parossistica posizionale
La vertigine parossistica posizionale benigna (VPPB) è il tipo più comune di vertigini e periferica. Frequentemente dopo il primo episodio la VPPB presenta recidive, con un tasso di ricorrenza tra il 15% ed il 50%.
Surgical treatment of labirintine fistula
Labyrinthine fistula represents the most common complication in chronic otitis media, especially in cholesteatoma cases.
Paralisi facciale ritardata post timpanoplastica chiusa
L’ipoacusia è uno dei disturbi sensoriali più comuni, da cui sono affetti, ad esempio negli USA, più di 36 milioni di persone.
The incidence of Thyroid Carcinoma in Multinodular Goiter
Thyroid carcinoma (TC) is a relatively rare tumour, but it represents the most frequent form of cancer of the endocrine glands. Epidemiologically ascertained risk factors are ionising radiation, the presence of thyroid adenoma and multinodular goiter (MNG).
Terapia Intratimpanica Cortisonica
Nearly 60 years after the first report of idiopathic sud- den sensorineural hearing loss (ISSHL) [1], the otologists are still searching answers to the etiology, physiopathol- ogy and therapeutical management of this disorder.