Visite Distretto Est (Vicenza)

Ospedale San Bortolo: Viale Rodolfi,
37 – 36100 Vicenza 0444 752477

Visite Distretto Ovest (Valdagno)

Ospedale San Lorenzo: Via Galilei,
1 – 36078 Valdagno 0445 423090

Case Report Otolarynogology

New Instruments for the Management of Cochlear Implantation in an Individual with a Fracture of the Temporal Bone and Cochlear Ossification

The incidence of Thyroid Carcinoma in Multinodular Goiter

Thyroid carcinoma (TC) is a relatively rare tumour, but it represents the most frequent form of cancer of the endocrine glands. Epidemiologically ascertained risk factors are ionising radiation, the presence of thyroid adenoma and multinodular goiter (MNG).

Terapia Intratimpanica Cortisonica

Nearly 60 years after the first report of idiopathic sud- den sensorineural hearing loss (ISSHL) [1], the otologists are still searching answers to the etiology, physiopathol- ogy and therapeutical management of this disorder.

appuntamento con dott. Antonio Frisina

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Richiedi un appuntamento con il Dott. Antonio Frisina.

Visite Distretto Est (Vicenza)

Visite Distretto Ovest (Valdagno)